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Vectorization for Fast, Analytic, and Differentiable Visibility

论文标题:Vectorization for Fast, Analytic, and Differentiable Visibility

论文来源:SIGGRAPH 2021

论文作者:Yang Zhou, Lifan Wu, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Ling-Qi Yan

论文标签:Ray tracing

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Unbiased Caustics Rendering Guided by Representative Specular Paths

论文标题:Unbiased Caustics Rendering Guided by Representative Specular Paths

论文来源:SIGGRAPH-Asia 2022

论文作者:He Li, Beibei Wang, Changhe Tu, Kun Xu, Nicolas Holzschuch, Ling-Qi Yan

论文标签:Ray tracing, Acceleration structure

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  • 简介:本篇文章介绍了一种利用Pathcut方法生成的Pure Specular Path对每次bounce采样方向进行引导,进而加速渲染caustic现象的方法。
  • 相关材料:

首先利用Pathcut方法生成的Pure Specular Path,然后使用这个代表性路径对bounce处的入射光分布进行估计,根据估计的入射光分布可以引导bounce处的采样

ICARUS: A Specialized Architecture for Neural Radiance Fields Rendering

论文标题:ICARUS: A Specialized Architecture for Neural Radiance Fields Rendering

论文来源:SIGGRAPH-Asia 2022

论文作者:Chaolin Rao, Huangjie Yu, Haochuan Wan, Jindong Zhou, Yueyang Zheng, Yu Ma, Anpei Chen, Minye Wu, Binzhe Yuan, Pingqiang Zhou, Xin Lou, Jingyi Yu


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  • 简介:本篇文章介绍了 NeRF 硬件加速器的实现。
  • 相关材料:
    • 源码:无
    • 视频:无
    • 讨论班: 2022-10-16
